
Tuesday, 22 December 2009

The Dobster is fundraising for RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution - JustGiving

The Dobster is fundraising for RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution - JustGiving

Yes, I am. So please by nice and sponsor me a little bit.

WHY!?!?! I hear you cry...

Well for one thing I'm a diver. For another I grew up by the sea and know the hard work the staff and crew of the RNLI put in every day of the year. But mostly its because they get no government funding, their lives are in danger on almost every call out and (as the recent floods prove) we all need their help, no matter where we live.

Up until now I have done a couple of minor runs, the odd 10k race and one (painfully slow) half-marathon, which involved more walking than running. So this year is going to be a bit of a challenge. But then if you have read my previous posts, you'll know my thoughts on challenges...

So what am up to?

28 February - The Beast. 5 miles over a x-country horse run, complete with (horse-sized) jumps, thick mud, hills and water-features rather deeper than is healthy for a 5ft 6 woman.

14 March - Britain's first Kilomathon. Its a marathon, but its in Km instead of miles. So thats about 26.2km to you and me. Its from Nottingham to Derby. I'm just hoping we don't have to walk home afterwards.

23 May - Edinburgh Marathon. The biggy. Its big. BIG. Never done a marathon before and this one looks great. I'll give you a wave when I pass a tv camera.

So, I hope you can help me get to my fundraising target, and if you specifically sponsor my blisters I'll post you pictures of them as proof. No really, I will.

Here's mud in your eye.

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Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Let's spend more at Christmas.

Now I am one of those people who are annoyingly chirpy about christmas. I love it and I don't care who knows it. Christmas is a big excuse to eat, drink and be merry while being surrounded by twinkly lights, carols and loads of Ho ho hoing Santas.

There are a lot of people who hate christmas. But invariably what they actually hate is the spending - the commercialisation. Well if this is all you see, then you have my pity. Yes, the commercialisation of christmas is depressing and sad. I can't deny that decorations and carols in October make me want to cry. But that is not christmas.

If you are one of those people who hate christmas, then I want you to try a new experiment this year. Spend more. Spend some time with people you like in the local pub without paying a fortune on overpriced meals or parties. Spend time looking for fun presents which cost little and mean more (? of present does not equal amount of love however much your girlfriend tells you it does). Spend time looking at the lights instead of rushing past with a scowl. Spend a few minutes listening to the carols and seeing the faces of small children when they get to meet Santa.

Let's see if we can't capture some of that wonder and excitement of christmas again this year and let me know in January if it works.

Here's mud in your eye.