Anyway, back to the race. The Kilomathon is number 2 on my challenge list for the Dobster's Year of Crazy. It was the inaugural UK event and started on a very, very, VERY cold morning in the grounds of The University of Nottingham. In case you are not sure how cold it was, here's a picture of my mate Keith waiting for the bus to take

The route took us out of Nottingham, through some nice countryside (especially the lovely Elvaston Castle), but unfortunately through more industrial estates and long, boring roads. At least the range of runners I was passing (and even more who were passing me) kept me amused with their tshirts, weird conversations (always fun when you half hear a sentence) and dodgy range of leggings.
By 10miles I started to really suffer. Jim (God bless him), had joined me around mile 4 and he was my constant companion for the rest of the race. He brought a friend in the shape of Bob, who decided to make a home on my right big toe and poke me every time I stepped on him. Nice. So there were a few walking breaks and energy-drinking stops to keep me going. But eventually, I saw the sign declaring we had entered Derby! I think my "Woo Hoo! Derby" startled the girl in front of me. I doubt anyone has ever been happy to enter Derby before.
The 24Km sign beckoned, and the lovely people of Derby who had come out to cheer us all on and tell us we were nearly there, made the last couple of miles a bit easier to take. The sight of the finish line, as I turned the last corner to a wave of cheering and clapping was extremely welcome. The slight downhill run-up to the finish line was even more welcome and probably the reason I now can't walk. Who can't resist a sprint finish past all the cheering crowds??
I finished just before the clock hit 3hours, with my run time confirmed as 2hours, 51mins 18secs. Not as fast as I had hoped, but at the end of the day, I beat the Sweeper Bus Of Shame, so I'm happy with that, and the lovely @Hughesy2103 was there with a Diet Coke and a comfy car to ferry us all back to Nottingham. What more could a Dobster possibly want from a race :o)
My various twittery friends: @WorTony, @nimblerunner, @becbostock, @neilrostance and BritMilFit and dive club buds, Sarah, Keith, Claire and Kev did their own cracking times. Well done everyone who took part.
Pictures are up o

At the top of the blog you'll find the proof I did it (no, not a picture of Jim), my number and Jim'll Fix It style medal. And I'll leave the final word to the Kilomathon organisers who gave us this nice little voucher in our goody bags and the perfect bit of advice which every single runner no doubt ignored completely...I know I did.
Here's mud in your eye.