
Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Me and Jim become close

So I'm now in my 3rd week of the marathon training and Jim (my little blister) is growing at a rate similar to a Blue Whale calf. He's a persistent little soul, but isn't causing too much trouble, as he's tucked away on the side of my big toe. As a result I've starting to use him as a yardstick of whether I've run far enough. If he hasn't put on weight, then I probably will...

But back to the training. Weeks 1 and 2 were hard work. Going from a nice little bimble around the park when I felt like it, to a minimum 4 miles irrespective of the weather was a shock. My first real long run (8 miles) was extremely painful, both physically and mentally. But week 3 has so far been easier. I did a 40mins steady run today at a good pace (for me) and felt good. I had to actually stop myself from going further. It's a great feeling to get back from a run feeling great, when it would have left you exhausted and aching a few weeks ago.

This week I'm up to 10 miles on my long run and actually looking forward to it. But that may well change before I lace up those trainers, pad up Jim and work out exactly how far 10 miles is going to take me. I'll keep you posted.

Here's mud in your eye.

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