
Friday, 12 March 2010

Nothing to wear...

It's less than 48hours to go to the start of the Kilomathon and I have a dilemma. I have nothing to wear. Now, stop panicking and bear with me. I'm not going to post pictures of me in various flourescent leggings and ask if my bum looks big in them. I'm not that stupid.

Like most runners training over the winter I have been battling the freezing temperatures in 23 moisture-wicking, air-flowing, wind-stopping layers, 2 pairs of gloves, a thermal hat and a pair of woolly knickers so big I have to cut eye-holes in them to see where I'm going. That means I have had numerous pockets to secrete gloves, ipods, keys and jellybabies in. I have therefore not thought about race day, assuming I'd run in my trusty wind-stopper. And then it happened... THE SUN CAME OUT!
The weather forecast is not helping. On Wednesday it was forecasting sun. Yesterday it forecast rain. Today we are splitting the difference with sunny intervals. What will it be tomorrow?? Snow? Heatwave? Typhoon? WHO KNOWS!!

The thought of running without a pocket is causing me some disturbance. The 9am start is going to make it cold to begin with, so hat and gloves may be required. But 20mins into the run, I'm going to warm up and by the time I crawl over the line gasping for oxygen it's going to be closer to midday. I can't add a pack, or new top at this point without the risk of serious chaffing (ouchy). What to do with all the paraphanalia you accumulate on your run?!!?

For layers I have a cunning plan and will be starting the run in an old t-shirt I can dump on any unfortunate passerby (or use to trip up rude runners) as soon as I need to. I may be able to slot my gloves down my ipod armband at strategic points. I'll carry a water-bottle for the first few miles, which I can dump at the water points. The jellybabies days are numbered and they're getting nommed before I even start. Which leaves the hat. Might just have to get cold ears :o/

And as soon as it is over? Well, I'm off to get a top with a pocket ready for the marathon. Lesson learnt.

Here's mud in your eye.

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