
Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Day 1 of Run December

I know. I've been a naughty blogger and been a bit absent on here for a while. But that is alllllll about to change.

My #FitTwit friends have inspired a new challenge - Run December. A group of them, including non-runner Alan Selby, managed to run every day in November and it has inspired a few others of us to attempt the same feat in December. So today was the first day of #RunDecember!

The challenge:
1. Run every day in December (although you are allowed Christmas Day off at a push)
2. Runs have to be at least 1 mile.
3. You do not quit (grrrr, yeah).

Today, after 4 days of snow blizzards, I rustled up the Flatmate and forced her into 3 fleeces and a hat for the run to the Forest Rec Park and the first British Military Fitness session of the month. It was a slow, shuffley run in slush, ice and packed snow. But it was a run. I even kept Fast Eddie (my shiny new garmin) on for the BMF session just to see how far we ran.

Run December - Day 1
Distance: 1.46 miles
Time: 19:10
Weather: Baltic

Here's snow in your eye


Anonymous said...

I will make sure 'The Dobster' runs on Christmas Day!!

The Dobster's Mum

meschee said...

ha ha ha love the fact you said that.........mums are great!!