
Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Day 8 of Run December

I got the run over and done with early today, by running home from work. Badda bing. Job's a good 'un. And why? So I could pile into the car and barrel down to Britsh Military Fitness. That turned out to be bad idea.

Halfway through the warm up my foot found a rut hidden under an inch of icy slush. My foot and knee went one way. My hip went the other way. I felt the muscles in my thigh tighten and knew that it was going to hurt. The muscles tightened further over the rest of the session, until even runnng was difficult.

So I am spending the night with a heat pack and crossed fingers that tomorrow it will just be a dull ache.

Run December - Day 8
Distance: 1.76 miles
Time: 19.29 mins
Weather: Cold and dark
Surface: Icy pavements and little hills

Here's mud in your eye

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