Errrm Dobby... you remember? ... the idiot doing marathons and burpees and mud and stuff?
Yes! That Dobby!
No, no, I haven't been ignoring you, I've been busy. Or lazy. Honest. What?? What crazy-ass stuff have I been doing now? Well nice of you to ask...
September - Tweets, Beats and a lack of sweets.
You may recall that September was my Month of Half-Marathons (if you were born when I last did a blog post anyway), and what a month it was.
I'll get this out of the way early on, so you can tut and sigh and say 'serves you right' and all that. My training over the summer consisted of one 10k race, one 5k Race for Life with the flatmate and several British Military Fitness classes. That is all. No running. You are now up to speed with why pain is involved so heavily in the following.

The course starts under a bridge just outside Leeds. And this is where we found Stephen (Nimblerunner), with a clipboard, a worried expression and Suzanne Shaw. I hadn't seen Stephen since the kilomathon and it was lovely to meet up again, even if only for a quick hello. He even introduced me to Suzanne (what a lovely lady).
Mr and Mrs Flatmate headed straight off on the bikes at the start and Hughesy soon left me for dead as he legged it off into the distance closely followed by my 'save me a burger' scream. But being left alone for the run was actually quite nice. The event is so small that everyone chats, and you run with first one person, then another. I even spent the last few miles walk/running with a lovely lady called Jill who was suffering as much as I was. We crossed the line together with big grins on our faces and hearty back slaps for helping each other along.
Race report - Rodley Run:
Time: 2:38 (eeek!)
Organisation: Excellent
Course: lovely, mostly flat (beware 5 Locks!) and not too crowded.
Would I do it again? Oh yes.
After effects: Walking downstairs backwards for 2 days.

It ended up with 20 of us signing Happy Birthday to @jamesthekat while he blew candles out on the best Pacman cake I have ever seen. Huge respect to @TARDIS900 for his excellent skills with an oven and many packets of jelly tots and I mean it - adopt me Michael.
The next morning we donned special Tweet to the Beat t-shirts designed by the ever-bouncy @raywise and headed off through the tube-cancelling chaos to the O2 Arena. To say it was cold is an understatement (as the photo above will attest to). Most of the crew set off (over 45 mins late) from pen 2, including @nuddypants and @runningfairy trying to run/stalk the luscious #902... God help him if he ever goes to another race with any of us. He'll be bundled into the back of a van and delivered to @runningfairy before he's passed the 3rd mile post.
Hughesy and @jamesthekat legged it past me from pen 3 10mins later. I saw @TARDIS900 disappear in pen 4 soon after. I however, got right royally stuck at the back of pen 5 and crossed the line 39 mins after the gun, freezing cold and with literally 12 people behind me. As a result I did nothing but pass people the whole way round and hardly ever got overtaken. Race tip: it's very good for the ego when you start in the last 20 and finish in the last 1400. Go me.
All the twitterers did wonderfully well with special mention to @raywise for a storming 1:30 (were do you get the energy Mr Bouncy?!?) and @ScotLassRuns who despite recovering from a serious back injury managed the whole race in a cracking 2:16.
Race report - Run to the Beat:
Time: 2:20:51 (PB!)
Organisation: Delayed start, confusing pens and not enough music for a music marathon.
Course: Boring and the race profile is just a plain lie.
Would I do it again? Probably not.
After effects: Exhausted, but very happy.
So there you go, all my September races accounted for.
What's next? Well I've joined a running club and this Saturday I get to nearly kill myself at Men's Health Survival of the Fittest in Nottingham. But more about them when I've got something to tell.
Here's mud in your eye.
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